8 Digital Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2021
2021 will be a record year for marketing. In light of the pandemic, people are spending more time than ever at home in front of their electronic devices. This is creating a revolution in digital marketing, where the following eight trends will be dominant.
Artificial Intelligence
Many companies are using artificial intelligence in all kinds of applications from crime patrols to data collection. The ability to monitor and analyze a broad range of data and information will keep AI growing through the near future.
Chat Bots
Customer service applications and sales are becoming automated through Chatbot technologies, with most customer service being powered by chatbots by the end of the year.
Consumers are welcoming content that is personalized to them and responds to their online behavior.
Video Marketing
The power of video marketing has remained undeniable, showing a very large increase in search requests over text advertising.
Many consumers are driven to brands or specific products through the endorsements of influencers on social media platforms.
Visual Search
Visual searches are becoming an effective and intuitive way to get information about products. Consumers are able to take pictures of products and find the items for sale online with simple mobile applications.
Voice Search
Voice recognition and other technologies becoming more useful in recent years has pushed voice searches into common practice, with most consumers having the capacity built into their mobile device.
The widespread use of stories in social media platforms allows consumers to get frequent updates from their favorite brands or those recommended by the influencers they follow.