Red Wagon Growth Marketing Agency


The world of digital marketing is consistently changing and improving. We move and adapt with it. John Wanamaker once said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” The attraction of digital marketing is that you can catch people during micro moments in their life where they are making a decision and provide a direct solution that is fully measured, tracked and accounted for across multiple devices and channels.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the activity of digitally advertising your brand through electronic means. This is typically done through tactics like search engine marketing, SEO, display advertising, content marketing and paid media. These tactics allow your brand to be present in micro moments of your customers online experience ensuring that when a potential customer needs you, they can find you.

How can Digital Marketing Help My Business?

The emergence of digital marketing has yielded greater trackability and transparency for your advertising dollars. Digital marketing allows Red Wagon to not just track digital marketing but also traditional marketing efforts which means better results for your business.
The emergence of purchasing spots through digital formats has arrived. That’s exactly what programmatic advertising is.
Out of home advertising is powerful and can reach massive amounts of people multiple times which reinforces your brand and message.
Search engine optimization, or SEO, has always been a consistent inbound marketing strategy that drives business goals.
Content development for brands is one of the best ways to build long term value for your business.
Email marketing is a consistent lead and revenue driver and is hyper effective at generating direct responses.

Strategic Partners

Our trusted partners provide technical expertise and resources to capture, produce and deliver our traditional media.